Sunday, October 18, 2009

Rough Cut Animation

This is the rough version of SpiSpi, the sound quality is totally bad and needs to be retweeked. additionally also missing is music overlay sound track and a few later scenes that have yet to be animated and are staged. some of the earlier scenes need retweeking in regards to easing in and out, some times it just looks horrid. 

Some of the background need additive elements for perspective and to correct 'filler' content.

we also sampled with blur (gaussian, 'fast' and directional) animations in after effects after direct exportation from Flash, which syncs back and forth for instant footage updates.

this content is 'squashed' into a web format as you may notice the squish, originally the footage is 1050 x 576ppt, where it is featured here as 352 x 288ppt.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Animatic V1

Character profile: Bertie

Bertie is a sluggish, slow-witted beetle that is forgetful of what he is doing.

He spends his day flying around the Field looking for shiny things in the dirt. But he often forgets this and starts flying around looking at flowers, which is quite useful as he usually bumps them and spreads pollen everywhere. 

He is a very large beetle isn’t scared of Spi Spi in the least because she is so tiny.

He often comes to look at her shiny web and is devastated when the web gets ruined.

Character profile: Lilly

Lilly the ladybug is an elderly citizen of the Field. She considers herself a gardener who takes care of the homes and plants in the Field by pruning and eating pests like aphids. 

The leaves and grass stalks of the plants there are often homes to other insects and she takes great pride in her work. Often single minded in her tasks, Lilly is easily flustered but things that disturb her. She enjoys the colour green and likes eating large green aphids.

Character profile: Gavin

One of Spi Spi’s oldest friends, Gavin the grasshopper spends his time traveling across the field looking for the tallest blade of grass to climb. Adventurous but reserved, Gavin is a gentleman who enjoys the simple things in life.

Character profile: Billy

Billy is a dirty, scruffy fly who has nothing better to do than annoy the other insects he finds in his travels. He was born in an old banana and to distinguish himself from his other hundreds of brothers and sisters he terrorizes other insects for his amusement.

Although very noisy and obnoxious, he is also very cunning and takes great delight in scaring anyone who he manages to sneak up on. 

Being less than two days old, Billy is trying to cover as much distance and cause as much distress as possible because he has only eight days to live.

He is trying to pack as much in as he possibly can and relishes the pitfalls of other insects that die before him.

Character profile: Spi Spi

Observant in nature and likes to watch the sun rise over the grass-line and ponder what lies beyond the field. 

Sometimes she hears strange stories from things out in the ‘beyond’ and she likes to weave these stories into her webs.

Spi Spi, is very aware that being a spider also comes with the sigma of many insects in the field being scared of her because she needs to eat insects to survive and it makes her very lonely as they avoid her.

Though she only eats when she’s hungry and makes sure she only eats rude insects, thus ensuring that the field is a better place to live, Spi spi often tries to help the insects around her by solving their problems.

By helping the other insects around her she has won many friends and she, of course would never eat a friend.



One Bright Morning
As the sun rose cheerfully

The morning due sparkled

Across a green grass sea

Spi Spi the spider

Arose from her bed

And beheld this grand new day

With all eight eyes in her head

For Spi Spi was a wise spider

With a good many friends

But any insect that crossed her,

Would meet a sticky end.

“Good morning,” called Spi Spi to Gavin the grasshopper,

“Isn’t it a beautiful day”

“Good morning Spi Spi” Gavin started

Before a loud noise came his way

The stalk shuddered left, right then too and fro

Until poor Gavin had to let go.

Into Spi Spi’s web went Gavin and his luck

Where he found himself undoubtedly stuck

As Spi Spi skittered over to help the grasshopper out

Up came a nasty hooting shout

“Why didn’t you bite him, and wrap him up tight?!”

“Why didn’t you kill him, and devour his insides?!”


Said Billy the fly.

Spi Spi leaped up and was quick on defend

And at the top of her voice she yelled

“ I’d never eat a friend!”

“However, a fly like you would

Meet a sticky end!”

“Oh phooey and hog-wash!

You guys are no fun!”

And with a rude little gesture,

Billy was done

So Billy flew away

Wondering what else to do with his day

And then what did he see

But Lilly the ladybug on a leaf in a tree

Stilling his wings and sneaking below

Billy hid himself so nothing would show

And when all was quiet and no one was about

Billy the fly gave a great shout!

Lilly the ladybug, who wasn’t that slim

Had shrieked shrilly and done a little spin

“You wretch!” she declared and did a great pout,

“I’m very much stuck! I can’t get out!”

But Billy the fly made a wicked grin,

And he laughed louder and harder from which he had begin

And still laughing hard

He turned about

And he left poor Lilly without helping her out

Bertie the beetle was out and about

When Billy the fly was hanging out

And thinking crooked, as he usually does

He wound himself up, and barreled ahead

For Bertie was slow

And his course, sure

But Bertie turned to Billy’s horror,

Then more.

Into Spi Spi’s web went Billy with his luck,

And sure as anything Billy was stuck

Spi Spi the spider jumped down and struck

Leaning in close to catch Billy’s ear

Spi Spi confirmed the fly’s greatest fear

“I told you once, I’ll tell you again

Insects like you, meet a sticky end!”

Spi Spi Story

A new day begins and Spi Spi wakes up and greets her friend Gavin the grasshopper.But Gavin is surprised by an unwelcome guest, Billy the Fly who knocks Gavin into Spi Spi’s web so that he can watch Spi Spi eat him.As Billy laughs at Gavin’s misfortune, Spi Spi helps Gavin out of her web and declares that she would never eat a friend but a fly like you “ would meet a sticky end”.
Billy Flies off dismissing Spi Spi and Gavin as boring to find other insects to annoy.He finds Lilly the ladybug who is busy eating aphids in a tree and he sneaks up and frightens her.
Lilly is so surprised she jumps and flips, landing on her back and she is stranded unable to Wright herself.
The nasty little fly just laughs and flies off looking for other suckers to play tricks on.

Later Billy stumbles upon Bertie, a very large slow beetle flying on his way so Billy decides to ram him from behind and give him a fright.

So Billy rev’s himself up and charges.

Unexpectedly Bertie moves and Billy flies past Bertie and crashes into Spi Spi’s web.

Spi Spi then pounces on the fly and eats him. 

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Brief 3: Exhibition Design

My initial idea for an exhibition layout can be summarized in short by comparing condensed and non condensed space.
This will be achieved by having large, medium and small projections.
Large projections will take up entire walls and will be main features while smaller projections will enable more screenings on that particular wall. 
the projections can also be 'clustered', displayed overlapping each other to try and confirm the differences between the types of work and emotion, size can create for these pictures.

By juxtapositioning the different sized projections it is easier to distinguish between the separate pieces of work and focus.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

more animation examples

BEE movie
a comparison on the treatment of bugs in various 3d movies
A bugs life
The Ant Bully

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ideas: further.

This idea i will work with.

its a 2d animation based on strong character design about a spider named Spi Spi who encounters a very rude fly.
it's a very simple story the fly wants to see Spi Spi eat her firend Gavin the grasshopper so the fly bumped him into her web. however Spi Spi wont eat a friend.
so the fly dispassionately leaves and hassles other insects who wish him ill.
eventually the fly tries to ram another insect but the insect moves and the fly ends up in Spi Spi's web were he meets a sticky end.

the entire thing is narrated and spoken in rhyme.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Assignment Two: Week 1


1. Animation based on character development and or music.

2. Series of short animations that indirectly fit together. Sort of like each others stories effects the others but you don't know that until the end of each animation. character development.

3. An interactive Media. based on discovering and or exploring the area and character to understand and develop the story line.

4. Stop motion animation.

5. Music animation.

My style and most of the above are based heavily on character development. So as more ideas come these separate ideas will get more filled out.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Animation Concept Week 3: Animating the Posthuman

My posting here is a little delayed I'm not much for blogging.

Feedback from Animatic: 

No problem with concept at all. Suggestions were made to how i approach the paper overlay:

Instead of having a transparency on specific parts of the characters. We ignore the transparency and then apply a multiply blend over the top of the finished animation in After effects.

Animation Concept Week 2: Animating the Posthuman

looking further at sources i found some old Animaniacs ( intro) cartoons. 
The expressionism in the hands and face as far as basic communication is something i want to emulate in my cartoon.

Further Thought to the simple Line stick figure drawings is a Spray painted animation called MUTO for the sheer transformation value.

Considering the simplicity of the stick figure i was considering bringing in some aged and scrunched paper for the background to enhance the 'flat' scribble perspective.
similarly the concept reminded me of Super Mario Paper.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Animation Concept Week 1: Animating the Posthuman

Based on the problems of transhumanism, consumerism and also perhaps a comment on politics, my animated short summarised  pits the fad fashion of upgrading clothes, to body parts, to weapons on people who become transhuman.

Explained more thoroughly, although I have to name the characters and would prefer to de-humanise them by using the description "subject 1" and "subject 2" they are facing each other and comparing their new clothes.

Subject 1 shows Subject 2 his new hat. 
Subject 2 is impressed and goes and gets his new jacket.
Not to be outdone Subject 1 puts on new boots.
Subject 2 is annoyed Subject one is trying to upstage him so he puts on his new mechanical robot arm.
Subject 1 is shocked! And then Subject 1 shows Subject 2 his mechanical heart and lungs.
Subject 2 puts on his robotic legs and glares at Subject 1.
its here Subject one gets a new robotic head with a lazer beam on, and blasts out Subjects 2's leg.
Subject 2 replaces his legs and gets a rocket launcher installed on his back and uses them to blow out Subject 1's legs.
Subject 1 replaces his legs with a hover device. And both now install turrets and weapons of mass destruction.
Subject 1 and 2 fire at each other and destroy one another.
all that is left is scrap and blackened ground and smoke.

A human walks in from one side (he looks exactly the same as what Subject 1 and 2 did at the beginning). He shrugs and walks off.

The End.

The style is intended to be simply lined figures very close to stick figures but obviously with more personality. 
examples of this is Dom Fera's Lazer Collection 
Combat by Krinkles

these are early examples i intend to have better ones as these are VERY simple but entertaining none the less.