Monday, September 14, 2009


One Bright Morning
As the sun rose cheerfully

The morning due sparkled

Across a green grass sea

Spi Spi the spider

Arose from her bed

And beheld this grand new day

With all eight eyes in her head

For Spi Spi was a wise spider

With a good many friends

But any insect that crossed her,

Would meet a sticky end.

“Good morning,” called Spi Spi to Gavin the grasshopper,

“Isn’t it a beautiful day”

“Good morning Spi Spi” Gavin started

Before a loud noise came his way

The stalk shuddered left, right then too and fro

Until poor Gavin had to let go.

Into Spi Spi’s web went Gavin and his luck

Where he found himself undoubtedly stuck

As Spi Spi skittered over to help the grasshopper out

Up came a nasty hooting shout

“Why didn’t you bite him, and wrap him up tight?!”

“Why didn’t you kill him, and devour his insides?!”


Said Billy the fly.

Spi Spi leaped up and was quick on defend

And at the top of her voice she yelled

“ I’d never eat a friend!”

“However, a fly like you would

Meet a sticky end!”

“Oh phooey and hog-wash!

You guys are no fun!”

And with a rude little gesture,

Billy was done

So Billy flew away

Wondering what else to do with his day

And then what did he see

But Lilly the ladybug on a leaf in a tree

Stilling his wings and sneaking below

Billy hid himself so nothing would show

And when all was quiet and no one was about

Billy the fly gave a great shout!

Lilly the ladybug, who wasn’t that slim

Had shrieked shrilly and done a little spin

“You wretch!” she declared and did a great pout,

“I’m very much stuck! I can’t get out!”

But Billy the fly made a wicked grin,

And he laughed louder and harder from which he had begin

And still laughing hard

He turned about

And he left poor Lilly without helping her out

Bertie the beetle was out and about

When Billy the fly was hanging out

And thinking crooked, as he usually does

He wound himself up, and barreled ahead

For Bertie was slow

And his course, sure

But Bertie turned to Billy’s horror,

Then more.

Into Spi Spi’s web went Billy with his luck,

And sure as anything Billy was stuck

Spi Spi the spider jumped down and struck

Leaning in close to catch Billy’s ear

Spi Spi confirmed the fly’s greatest fear

“I told you once, I’ll tell you again

Insects like you, meet a sticky end!”

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